Beverage Dispenser Maintenance
Remove the faucet nozzles on a daily basis and wash in mild detergent and warm water, rinse in warm water, and sanitize. Clean actuating levers daily. Never use bleach.
Do not permit dried syrup to accumulate on the faucet or nozzle. Foam, off taste, and odor may result.
Do not permit the handles or actuation levers of the faucet to become sticky with syrup. The faucet will not operate properly when dispensing soda.
Dispensing Cabinet
Clean the drain, drain screen, tray, and tubing with hot water on a daily basis. Do not allow dried syrup to accumulate. Clogging, overflowing, bacterial growth, and odor may occur.
Establish daily, weekly, and monthly preventive maintenance schedules for cleaning and checking the various areas of the dispenser, such as the faucet, drain, syrup tanks, water bath, refrigeration system, etc.
Keep the area around the dispenser clean and free of debris and excess supplies.
Carbonator System
Connect the carbonator to the proper power supply.
Do not use a faulty switch or a loose line plug which may fall from the receptacle. The carbonator may not operate.
Be sure there is an adequate supply of water, at the proper pressure (60 P.S.I.), going to the carbonator at all times.
Do not permit the carbonator to operate without water; pump damage may result.
Syrup System
Handle the syrup tanks or boxes carefully. Do not roll, bounce, rock, or drop. This will damage the tanks and fittings and syrup may enter the gas line fittings or valves, causing unstable pressure in the tank.
Store syrup boxes at an elevated height of 1/2" to 1" (1 cm - 3 cm) off the floor. Moisture damage may occur if boxes are stored on the floor.
Carefully connect and disconnect tanks (if a transfer tank type system).
Rinse quick change couplings in warm water before connecting them to tank fittings, (or damage to the sealing gaskets may occur causing gas and/or syrup leaks).
To avoid leaks and unsanitary conditions, check connections and clean spilled syrup before operating the system.
For unrestricted syrup flow, keep gas and product lines from kinking, flattening, or twisting.
Very carefully fill tanks that are permanently attached to the dispenser.
Do not remove the cover from the tank until all pressure has been released. Damage or injury may occur.
Do not allow dirt, caps, labels, insects, glass chips, etc., to enter the tank while filling. Erratic flow, off taste, or more serious repercussions may result.
Do not accumulate syrup or empty containers and cartons in the tank compartment area.
Do not attach syrup tanks or boxes to the system in multiple series, (may adversely affect syrup flow).
Rinse the valves attached to the syrup boxes weekly. Dunk them into a cup of warm water and swish them around.
CO2 Gas System
Regulate the correct flow of CO2 gas to the dispensing system at all times.
Keep a full spare cylinder for emergencies.
Replace the cylinder when the cylinder pressure gauge shows less than 400 lbs. P.S.I.
To avoid CO2 leaks, insert a new washer between the base pressure regulating the valve seat and the discharge seat of the cylinder each time a cylinder is changed.
To avoid gas leakage, always open the cylinder valve stem and the valve stem (counterclockwise) as far as possible (back seated).
Keep the CO2 cylinder in an upright position and secured with a chain to prevent it from falling over. A horizontal position causes high pressure to build with possible rupture and damage occurring.
