Food Labeling And Rotation In the Restaurant
The correct labeling of all covered food products can help you rotate preportioned and prepped food stored in your food business. Rotation is essential in serving the best product possible and preventing food-borne illness.
Proper date and time labeling indicates the safe shelf life of perishable food and health inspectors look for evidence of how knowledgeable your employees are about the food that’s being kept hot and cold for any length of time.
The safest way to label food and containers is to use labels made expecially for this purpose. Daymark makes labels that are biodegradable will dissolve in under 30 seconds - leaving no sticky residue. All labels will adhere to hard plastics and stainless steel containers. Labels are FSA approved for indirect food contact.
Masking tape and a marker is not considered safe or consistent. Masking tape leaves behind a sticky residue and it can harbor bacteria.
TIP: Require your staff to initial the label and will take greater pride in their product. You can also use this for training purposes when you see the work is not done to your standards.
Day Dots has SmartDot labels that revolutionize food rotation by accurately indicating the combined effects of time and temperature on stored items. By utilizing the patented TT Sensor technology from Avery Dennison, SmartDot labels provide a visual color indication of freshness. The clear SmartDot activator label starts the irreversable color change. At 35єF the color change takes place over a 6-day period. At 80єF the color change occurs in 4 hours.
Food Labeling Links for the Food Industry